Meandering Realms- Comics Anthology

Meandering Realms is an anthology of comics made from unconventional materials. It is over 100 pages of full-color crafted comics from 16 different creators.
The comics feature a wide variety of materials from embroidery, to cut paper, clay, wood cutouts, needlefelting, face-paint and beyond.
Each artist took an individual and unique approach to their comics making process, resulting in works that look as if they came from another realm. This anthology is for any one who loves comics, crafts, or weird fun art of any kind!
Our list of contributors:Filipa Estrela, Katie Longua, Sean Marney, Erin Partridge, Sage Clemmons, Paper Melon, Nick Stellanova, Kriota Willberg, Bread Tarleton, Allison Bannister, Bryn Ziegler, Issy Manley, Roshan Ganu, Nick Steinborn, Keren Katz, and DT Burns
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